Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Set induction- foundation for the make up

Simulated teaching is back. Oh god... this time we had to teach an aspect for any play that we have learnt. The play that I have chosen to do on is ‘Dance Like a Man’ by Mahesh Dattani. I had never thought there could be so many steps that we had to follow when we teach. The first step is set induction. I was clueless on doing it. Our tutor wants our set induction to be as interesting as possible.
I started my set induction by giving my students the main difference between a play and other literal text. As my play was regarding the traditional dance of Bharathanatyam, I decided to show the students (my classmates) the pictures of some traditional dances from other races (power point presentation) and pictures of a few dance ornaments (power point presentation) required them to guess those pictures. This play that I choose also revolves on prejudice towards male who dances bharathanatyam. So I posted a few questions towards the students:
1. Which gender participates more in this dance?
2. Why do male participate less in the dance?

My tutor did give a few comments on my set induction. One of his comments was the speed of transaction of the pictures in the power point presentation was a bit too fast, thus it was difficult to identify some of the pictures.
Through all the set inductions that I saw, I realise that it is a very important aspect in order to attract the students. It is the step that gives the first impression towards the students regarding the lesson of the day. ;-)

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